

发布时间:2019-03-11 23:49 来源: EF夏令营 作者:赟
  Game,is the Most Serious Education
  EF游学给孩子安排夏令营,你知道营地选址有多讲究?一般大都在环境优美的郊区。事实上,夏令营的历史始于美国。1861年,美国中学校长弗雷德里克·冈恩(Frederick Gunn)带领一群学生来到岩石峭立、荒无人烟的康涅狄格山区进行夏令营探险活动,他认为荒野中的远足、露宿和野餐等户外活动既有利于培养良好的品格又能在集体活动中使孩子们的情感健康成长。
  EF travels to arrange summer camp for children.Do you know how well the site is located?Most of them are in the suburb of beautiful environment.In fact,the history of the summer camp began in the United States.In 1861,American high school president Frederick Gunn(Frederick Gunn)led a group of students to the rocky,uninhabited mountain areas of Connecticut for summer camp expedition.He thought outdoors,outdoors and picnics in the wilderness were both good for good character and a child in collective activities.The emotions are growing healthily.
  In summer,it is suitable for outdoor camping activities.For summer camp camps,the location of the camp can be choosy.First,it is to let the children fall in love with the camp environment at a glance.Secondly,the camping camp has a certain requirement for the camp environment.The general camp has two centers of gravity:one is outdoor exploration,the other is a variety of activities held in the camp.
  The site of the summer camp is missing the green.The green water is quiet in this place,the wind is soft and the cloud is idle.The ground is not wide but flat,and the forest is not large and luxuriant.The shadow is left and right,and the sound of the bird is only in the ear.Today,let's explore the summer camp.Do foreign teachers also learn to learn Chinese with us?
  Nature is a classroom without walls.It is a paradise for children to grow inside.How big the nature is and how big the child's mind is.Many of the small learners of EF travel are leaving home for the first time,leaving their father's mother's arms,with a trace of uneasiness and excitement,to take the first step in their growth.It's like living in beautiful jungles,plants,insects,rivers-accessible;partners,teams,foreign teachers-the light of growth,where you will harvest friendship,feel happy,grow fast.